Let's Go Back to the Bible

But God still loved him and used him!

The story of Gideon’s initial hesitation to fully trust the promise of God has many lessons that we can learn.  Obviously, there is the lesson that we need to trust God and His Word fully, no matter what!  One wonderful part of this story is that even after Gideon doubted and then put God to the test, God still loved him and used him! This same lesson is learned over and over throughout Scripture.  Even though David committed some dreadful acts in adultery and murder, God still loved him and used him! Even though Rahab had lived a life of harlotry and dishonesty, God still loved her and used her! Even though Peter was impetuous and denied Jesus three times, God still loved him and used him! Even though Paul had persecuted Christians and made havoc of the church, God still loved him and used him!

No one is perfect!  If God required a mistake-free life in order to serve Him, none of us would make the cut.  But the reality is that in the hands of the Almighty Potter, any lump of clay, no matter its rough edges, can be molded and used.  God still loves you and can use you!