Let's Go Back to the Bible

Hmm…going back has some advantages?

For over 100 years, man has enjoyed color photography and has perfected (until he perfects it even further) the digital, color image.  However, have you noticed how some of the most striking and eye-capturing photos you see today are well-done black and white images?  Wait a minute!  If man has the capability to produce a crisp, vivid, dynamic full-color photo, why would he want to go back to the old paths of the past and print in black and white?  There’s just something refreshing about the simplicity of that old style.

For over 1,500 years, man has “enjoyed” the full spectrum of denominationalism and has “perfected” (until he “perfects” it even further) “man-made” religion thriving on “man-made” doctrines.  However, that was never God’s design or intent.  God’s desire is that we seek the old paths (cf. Jer. 6:16), that we return to a simple “thus saith the Lord” (read Jeremiah & Ezekiel) in all that we do.  Man-made religion might be full of “multi-colored” facilities, services and presentations, but the simplicity of just going back to the Bible has no comparison!