Let's Go Back to the Bible

Ask not what others can do for you…

On any given day, there are members of the Lord’s church busy in serving others. There are deacons and other members who are often working (on their own time) on projects at the church building–painting, plumbing, electrical, technology, landscaping, maintenance, children’s Bible class resources, etc., etc. But, not just at the church building. 2019-05-06-Ask-not-what-others-can-do-for-youUnbeknownst to many at all, on a daily basis one can find members of the church “doing unto others” in the church–helping them around their house, providing transportation, bringing them a meal, visiting them, checking up on them, etc., etc. (I know I left several things off these lists!)

So, what about you? JFK said in his inaugural address, “Ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country.” Of course, he borrowed that from the Lord, who teaches, “Ask not what others in the church can do for you–ask what you can do for others in the church!” (Phil. 2:3-4; Luke 6:31). What can you do for others? Now, are you doing it?