Let's Go Back to the Bible

Get back on the right track

How many times have you been headed somewhere and there was a “Detour” that you had to follow? Typically, a “Detour” takes you off of the main path, it takes you way out of the way, and then it eventually brings you back to the main path (if you follow it carefully). Can that happen spiritually? Sometimes the devil tries to get us to take a “Detour” from the Christian walk that leads to heaven. Sometimes our “friends” or the influence of worldly associates can lead us on a “Detour” from the path to heaven. Sometimes we “Detour” ourselves from it.  2019-05-08-Get-back-on-the-right-track

So, if we have been “Detoured” from “the narrow way that leads to life” (Matt. 7:13-14), what should we do? First, STOP! Don’t go any further on your “Detour”! Next, make a U-TURN! Rather than keep going and hope you’ll find your way back, turn around and make a direct beeline for the narrow path! Then, TURN RIGHT on God’s road to heaven and ASK HIM to keep you straight! You’ve got a road map in the Bible–use it! And ignore EVERY single “Detour” sign along the way!