Let's Go Back to the Bible

Thought for the Day (Page 191)

“As the heavens are higher than the earth”

How much higher are the heavens than the earth?  Through the research of astronomers, we can know the measurements between celestial bodies and the earth.  While it is hard for us to fathom millions of miles and light years of time, we can begin to understand what God meant when He said, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So…

“As one man”

The expression “as one man” is found seven times in the New King James Version—all of them in the Old Testament.  Notice how this expression is used:  “the congregation gathered together as one man before the Lord…all the people arose as one man…all the men of Israel were united together as one man” (Judges 20:1, 8, 11); “the people gathered together as…


The word “holy” is a key word in God’s dealings with His people.  God is holy, thus everything associated with God is and must be holy.  When God gave the pattern in Exodus 28 for the garments of the high priest, one piece of his “uniform” was a turban.  On the front (not the back or the side) of the turban, they…

Baptize a baby?

Unfortunately the doctrine and practice of infant baptism has widely influenced the minds and thinking of many people.  In fact, that false doctrine (based upon John Calvin’s manmade doctrine of the total depravity of newborns) influenced the mis-“translation” (not actually a translation!) of Psalm 51:5 in the New International Version.  Consider the following. One truth:  The practice of infant baptism shows that…

In all his life, the man after God’s heart never saw this!

As you look back on your life right now, from whatever phase of life you have reached, what is there that you haven’t seen?  Some might say, “Well, I’ve never seen the Alps…I’ve never seen a show on Broadway…I’ve never seen Paris…I’ve never seen the inside of a bar…I’ve never seen a moose…I’ve never seen Halley’s comet…I’ve never seen a grown man…

Do you “still hold fast to worn arguments”?

The President of the United States held a reception at the White House on Monday to honor the first ever Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month (which he issued by Presidential Proclamation on June 1st).  The president told the crowd of homosexuals, “There are unjust laws to overturn and unfair practices to stop.  And though we’ve made progress, there are still…


When I think about the love and power of God, “amazed” is a word that immediately comes to mind.  The word is found 17 times in the NKJV, 16 of which are in four New Testament books.  Enjoy each of these—“all the multitudes were amazed” (Matt. 12:23); “they were all amazed” (Mark 1:27); “all were amazed” (Mark 2:12); “they were greatly amazed”…

Incline your ear

The word “incline” means “to slant; to cause to lean or bend in a particular direction.”  While “incline your ear” is an idiomatic expression that simply means “to listen willingly or favorably,” I love the visual impact of this phrase, picturing one who tilts his head, leans in closer and perhaps cups his hand behind the ear to catch everything that is…