Let's Go Back to the Bible

Evolution requires a leap of faith!

The accusation is often made by atheists and evolutionists that believing in God or believing in Creation requires a leap of faith.  However, let’s consider the two sides.

Believing in God is based upon substantial evidence.  The precision of the universe and each of the pieces and parts that are so intricately balanced and interrelated demands a Master Creator! The elaborate design evidenced in each cell, tissue, organ and system of the human body cannot rationally be explained any other way than a Master Designer!

Believing in evolution is based upon no valid evidence at all.  The origin of the universe is explained as a random Big Bang, where chaos produced order.  Problem: not one shred of evidence.  The human body is supposedly the zenith of an evolutionary process from a single-celled ameba, where the simple grew amazingly complex.  Problem: not one shred of evidence.

Faith in God is based on evidence!  Faith in evolution is a leap in the dark!