Let's Go Back to the Bible

2024 Bulletin Articles

The Apostles’ Doctrine

We should never elevate anyone above where God does.  Nor should we demote anyone below where God does.  Just as we are humans, so were the apostles, as they were not perfect or infallible on their own.  We see examples of their imperfection as humans periodically (in Peter’s impetuous behavior, in the apostles arguing over greatness, in their forsaking of Jesus in…

Let’s Go to Camp!

It’s Palm Beach Lakes’ week at Central Florida Bible Camp: Forever Camp. All of the planning and preparation has led up to this. With 118 kids and just enough staff to make all the activities run smoothly, it is amazing how wonderful a time Forever Camp is. Many may not know exactly what goes on at Bible Camp. In fact, some may…

More Than a Slave

As I study the Bible, I am amazed at what great truths can be found in what might be first viewed as “insignificant” verses. In giving us everything that we could possibly need for life, God chose every word of every verse for the express purpose of giving us all that we need (2 Pet. 1:3). We see this as we study…

He’s Coming in the Clouds

There is no question that someday our Lord will descend coming in the clouds. The clouds that took Him back to the Father will bring Him back. Those messengers from heaven emphatically affirmed that “…this same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner you saw Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11). He will literally…

You Can’t Walk in the Light Alone

When I was a young child, there were a few Sunday mornings when my brothers and I made the mistake of asking the question, “Do we have to go to church today?” Without exception, my dad would reply swiftly with, “No, we don’t have to…we GET to!” Thankfully, rather than severe punishment, this response usually resulted in us having a little laugh…

After a While

It is remarkable to watch the growth of Peter. When this fisherman was first called to follow Jesus, he struggled. Jesus once said to him, “Get behind Me, Satan! For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men” (Mark 8:33). You see this struggle as he denied, cursing and swearing that he did not even know…

“But You Would Not”

Sometimes you can set up the greatest of opportunities for someone, having done most of the work yourself and offering them some wonderful benefits, but then they choose to reject your efforts and all that you are providing for them.  It doesn’t make sense.  They are turning their back on the best of opportunities.  All you can do is let them go.…