Let's Go Back to the Bible

2017 Bulletin Articles (Page 4)

Truths Found at His Cross

The theme for this year has been “At His Cross.” The emphasis for this month is that each of us finds truth at His cross. As you stand at the foot of His cross, what great truths come into your heart? Sometimes our greatest understanding of truth comes in the midst of great trauma. At His cross, I learn the truth about…

His Glory is Full of Truth

This is our third look at John 1:17. “The Word became flesh and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” We looked first at the emphasis placed on God’s glory in the Bible. Last week, we emphasized that there cannot be divine glory without grace. This week, we emphasize there can…

Which of the 63 Genders Are You?

Leave it up to the devil-controlled, morally-bankrupt society in which we live to take that which is so incredibly simple and to twist and corrupt it beyond rational recognition.  It is almost beyond words to explain the lunacy to which our world has fallen! For simple illustration purposes, answer this question: “How many sides does a coin have?”  That’s about as simple…

Christ-Centered Life

There is a center to our lives that gives us direction. Some place family, work, hobbies or self-awareness in that center. You could see where any one of those things could take you in various directions. What would happen if we were Christ-centered? To do that, we first have to die to ourselves (Gal. 2:20). We must die to sin (Rom. 6:1-4).…

His Glory Is Full of Grace

John said that when the Word became flesh we beheld His glory and that His glory was full of grace (John 1:14). There is no way to separate God’s glory from His eternal grace and mercy. To look at the events in the life of Jesus is to see a mirror of heaven’s grace as revealed throughout the divine history of God’s…

Making Sense of the Senseless

Life doesn’t make sense sometimes.  Why must a little child contract a horrible disease like cancer?  Why should a parent have to bury his/her own child?  Why do teachers and those in authority take advantage of (often sexually) young children in their care?  Why does a gunman go into a church (of all places) and shoot innocent worshipers?  Why? There are some…