Let's Go Back to the Bible

2015 Bulletin Articles (Page 16)

Starving to Death in the Pews

The following is not a story thought up by an imaginative preacher simply to illustrate a point. It really happened. She often sat in the auditorium, and as the preacher delivered his message, her young children noticed that she often wept. When one of them asked her why she was crying she said, “I come here every week, and I am starving…

God Made You!

Sometimes, when something is so obvious and so basic, we often will not give much attention to it and lose sight of its place in our lives.  However, it is often those things that are the most obvious and the most basic that we need to be reminded of on a regular basis, in order to help us stay focused on what…

God Helps the Godly, Always!

The account of David’s flight from King Saul is filled with vivid description of just how much hate the king had for the son of Jesse. First Samuel chapters 22 and 23 give such great insight in the hearts of the first two kings of Israel. Had it not been for the friendship of Jonathan with David, the life David might have…