Let's Go Back to the Bible

Spiritual Goal Setting

We set goals in so many parts of our lives—career goals, family goals, financial goals, health and fitness goals, educational goals, etc., etc.  Then, in most cases, we determine certain steps that we should take in order to reach those goals.  Would it not, then, be prudent to have spiritual goals for our lives and determine steps by which to reach them?

Where do you want to be (spiritually) in 10 years? Do you want to be a deacon or an elder?  Do you want do some work in the mission field?  Do you want to be teaching Bible classes?  Do you want to be known as a strong Bible student with extensive knowledge of His Word?  These things won’t happen overnight!  You must make plans now, determining specific steps, in order to reach your spiritual goals!

Where do you want to be (spiritually) in 5 years? Do you want to be teaching one-on-one Bible studies?  Do you want to be leading (prayers, songs, etc.) in public worship?  Do you want to have studied through the entire Bible?  Do you want to be able to know and defend truth (and recognize error) better than you do now?  Do you want to have your work schedule adjusted so that you can attend all church services?  Do you want to have freed your weekly schedule enough so that you can be helping and serving the church in various capacities during the week?  These things won’t happen overnight!  You must make plans now, determining specific steps, in order to reach your spiritual goals!

Where do you want to be (spiritually) at this time next year? Do you want to have read through the entire Bible?  Do you want to be more regular in your worship attendance?  Do you want to feel closer to God?  Do you want to be praying more frequently?  Do you want to feel more comfortable talking to others about the gospel?  Do you want to have better control of your temper and your tongue?  Do you want to be more hospitable and more encouraging to fellow Christians?  These things won’t happen overnight!  You must make plans now, determining specific steps, in order to reach your spiritual goals!

It has been said, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” What are you aiming at spiritually? There are no goals that will be more important in the next year, the next five years or the next ten years than your spiritual goals!  When your life ends on this earth and you enter into eternity, there will be no goals that were more important to prepare you for judgment day than your spiritual goals!

Now, how will you arrive at your goals?  Spend time determining the specific steps you will need to take to reach your goals.  Then, implement your plans and stick to them!