The past two Sundays have been so uplifting to those who have been part of them. Two weeks ago we looked at all that this congregation has done since we began making Mission Sunday an annual event. It was so thrilling to see the impact that nearly half a million dollars you gave during that time has had. God deserves all the glory, but how wonderful it was to see how He has used us. This past Sunday we looked at the work we hope to do in 2008 and the challenges which lie before us.
I hope that you will take time to look at the front page of this bulletin and be reminded of all that we can do. It will demand great sacrifice from each of us, but with God’s help we will rise to the occasion.
Think of the impact we will have when we mail out 100,000 brochures with the plan of salvation as their major focus. Last year we touched 48,657 homes in this way. None of these could ever say that no one ever told me about His plan of salvation. I’m not sure how you feel but it thrills my soul to think we can at least double that number in the next twelve months.
We also revealed the plan for The Silencing of God seminar to be conducted in August. Acting on our faith in you that the funds will be given, we have already booked the auditorium at Palm Beach Community College for August 15-16. This neutral site (less than five miles from our building) and the extensive advertising we are planning will have a profound impact. We have taken a step in faith believing in what you will do.
How wonderful it was to announce the beginning of the Blackmer/Spradlin Mission Fund. In less than two years these two families will be our missionaries. Instead of simply being involved in mission work by sending funds to several works, we will have our own. In reality it is His, but we will be used by Him to reach the lost. Because these two men have such close association with Palm Beach Lakes, we can each have a personal feeling of involvement with them. We will share in all that they do.
It all depends on each of us making a commitment to sacrifice so that we can reach the top of the pyramid on the front page. Make your plans to be present this Sunday for another great day of victory for our Lord. Think of all He has given to you. Let us all give back to Him!