Let's Go Back to the Bible

Why Do You Give?

With Mission Sunday just a few days away, take time to consider why you give to the Lord. It is so easy to participate in the weekly collection without reflecting at all. We give our money as the basket passes by us, and then immediately our attention is turned to other matters. What are some of the underlying motives as to why people give.

Some give because they are selfish. That may sound strange to you, as you might think that a selfish person would keep their money. Stop for a moment to think of the contributions entertainment celebrities make. While making millions for a single movie they will give $250,000 or so to some cause, but make sure that others know about it. Is this any different from the description of those wealthy individuals Jesus was watching when He saw the poor widow cast in her two mites. He said of them that they “. . . out of their abundance have put in an offering for God” (Luke 21:4). At another time He said, “All their works they do to be seen by men” (Matt. 23:5). Their gifts, while given to others, actually are given for selfish gratification or selfish praise from others.

Some give out a sense of obligation and primarily because they know they must give to get to heaven. While it is true that God commands us to give and without obedience heaven’s gates are closed to us, such giving is not what the Lord wants. “So let each one give as . . . not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7).

Some give because they never forget what God has done for them. David says it best. “What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me” (Psalm 116:12). Two aspects of this immediately come to mind. First, the heart of God who loves us and, even though we are not worthy, opens the windows of heaven. We give because of His loving kindness toward us. The other aspect is the benefits we have received. How long has it been since you took time to count your many blessings? Remembering these blessings causes us to give.

Some give because they want to change the world in its most important way. Think of the souls whose lives have been changed because Christians gave! The most vital need of this world is spiritual change and that is directly related to our giving.

Why will you give on Mission Sunday? The elders are placing a great challenge before us. As you purpose your gift, take time to think of all the right reasons you should give. Remember, Mission Sunday will make an eternal difference in the destiny of the souls of so many!