Let's Go Back to the Bible

We Have Not Arrived

There is no way a child of God can rest on past accomplishments. When Paul thought of the stature he had before becoming a Christian, it was meaningless to him. From a human perspective he had so much about which he could have boasted. When false teachers at Philippi were glorying in their accomplishments in Judaism, Paul listed his credentials. He reminded them that he was of the “stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; . . . concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless” (Phil. 3:5-6).

How did Paul feel about the honor others might have given him because of what he had accomplished? I love the way the KJV translates his thoughts—“I count them but dung . . .” (Phil. 3:8). (Anyone who knows what dung is will understand what Paul thought of glorying in the flesh). Past religious accomplishments are meaningless when viewed in relation to the glory we owe to Christ and the honor we can bring to Him in the future.

The past is behind us. We have not arrived. The translation of the Bible for the deaf continues with Paul’s words to the Philippians. “Brothers and sister, I know that I have not yet reached that goal. But there is one thing I always do; I forget the things that are past. I try as hard as I can to reach the goal that is before me. I keep trying to reach the goal and get the prize” (Phil. 3:13, EVD).

What a great year lies before this church! We cannot rest on the past, but must see every challenge of the new year as an opportunity to bring glory to Christ. Take a quick look at the many ways we can serve Him in 2011.

January: Mission Sunday contribution

February: Return of Chris Fry family from Paraguay

March: Gospel Meeting with Sam Jones

April: Ladies Day; furloughs for Josh/Troy & families

May: Super Sunday with Tom Holland

June: Adult Mission Trip to Paraguay

July: Central Florida Bible camp

August: Evangelism Training for Youth

September: New missionary family begins work in Argentina

October: Spiritual Enrichment Weekend

November: South Florida Lectureship

December: Year-end singing to welcome a new year

Let’s forget the past and press toward the goal!