Let's Go Back to the Bible

The Power Is in the Word

I think sometimes we forget this very simple yet prevailing truth—the power is in the Word! We try to do things on our own or we wonder why we are not more successful in some of our Christian endeavors.  When we fail to appreciate and live by this fundamental truth, our Christian life will be meaningless.  But, when our daily decisions and responsibilities as a child of God are directed and dependent on this absolute certainty (i.e., the power is in the Word), then there is no limit to the strength, success and spiritual growth to which we can attain as a Christian.  To see that, think about these things.

Do you want your worship to be more meaningful? Remember that the power is in the Word (and not in you).  When you sing of the Amazing Grace of God, and when you pray for His abundant blessings, and when you return unto the Lord what already belongs to Him, and when you meditate on the sacrificial Lamb hanging on a cross for you, and when you actively partake in the hearing and study of Scripture, your worship will have more meaning if you remember that the power is in the Word!

Do you want to be more successful in evangelism? Remember that the power is in the Word (and not in you).  When you approach someone to ask them to study with you, or when you answer a Bible question that someone has asked of you, or when you are sitting at a table with an open Bible and sharing the gospel with someone, or when you are typing messages in an online Bible correspondence, you will have greater success (and greater enjoyment) if you remember that the power is in the Word!

Do you want to have greater strength to overcome temptation? Remember that the power is in the Word (and not in you).  When Satan is trying to back you into a corner, or when the allurement of sin grows more and more intense, or when you feel like just giving in to the pressure, you can find the strength to overcome every temptation if you remember that the power is in the Word (cf. 1 John 5:4; Rom. 10:17; Psa. 119:11)!

Do you want to be a stronger, more influential Christian?  Do you want your family to be more cohesive and  happier?  If we try any of these things on our own, we will fail.  We must remember the power is in the Word!