Let's Go Back to the Bible

She Gave All She Had, But She’s Not Broke

The names are not significant to the story, but the lesson to be learned should cause all of us to genuinely reflect on our own lives.  Two weeks ago, a little girl was getting ready to leave on a family vacation.  She went to her savings jar to get some spending money for souvenirs.  After opening the container and looking at her money, she made a decision (on her own, without any prompting or even suggestions from anyone else) and said, “I’m not going to take any.  I’m going to save it for Mission Sunday.”

She returned from her family vacation the day before Mission Sunday.  That Sunday morning she woke up running a fever and feeling very poorly.   Still, she got up, went to retrieve her savings jar, then laid down to count how much she had.  Any amount she decided to give from her savings was entirely up to her—there was no set amount required of her.  After separating the bills and counting the mountain of coins, she made her decision.  She took her ziplock bag and poured all she had into it.  To help the counters, she wrote the amount on a piece of paper and slipped it inside.

Most children, feeling as poorly as she did, would have wanted to stay home, but this little girl did not want to miss Mission Sunday.  She laid on her mother’s lap during worship, but when the baskets were passed, she sat up and gave all she had to the Lord—49 dollars and 49 cents for her missionaries (enough to buy any toy she wanted).

The lesson for us to this point in the story should be obvious.  Now, for the rest of the story.  It is difficult to put into words the overwhelming joy and pride felt by her father, that she (of her own volition and following the treasures of her little heart) gave all she had to the Lord.  Let me tell you the heart of her father and then make the greater application—this little girl’s father was so overjoyed by her selfless act and the cheerful eagerness with which she counted, carried and gave her gift that he would do just about anything for her.  In fact, her savings jar is already filling up again (and she doesn’t even know it yet).

Again, the personalities are not the point here.  But, God is!  He is your Father! And, if this earthly father responds to his child’s gift with loving abundance, how much more does YOUR FATHER respond to the gifts you bring to Him?  He is ready to bless you unbelievably!

Thank you, Kelly, for teaching us this lesson!