Let's Go Back to the Bible

Medals and Cornerstones

Those who were present on Sunday have reason to really be excited about medals and cornerstones. Take time to look on page one to see those young people who were recognized for the efforts they have made as part of the new Sunday night program, Soldiers of Christ. We are so excited that more than 100 young people and adults have taken the Bible quizzes and received their medals this past week. There will be many others who have begun learning the Bible truths found in their “Field Manuals” and will soon receive their medals for the first section, “Overview of the Bible.” We have more than 200 members who have become part of this new way of learning.

Keep in mind that our goal is not simply the assimilation of “facts in our heads” but “faith in our hearts.” We are trying to enhance personal Bible study throughout the week, as well as providing an avenue for families to build their faith as they talk about the great Bible truths we are learning. We have three levels of learning so set your aim high and challenge yourself. The “prophet card level” may seem easy to those who have been in the church for a few years, but I challenge these to see if they can reach the “king card level.” It will not happen unless you devote several hours of your life. Since faith comes from hearing His word, the more time you spend in the word provides greater opportunity to increase your faith.

The second program we emphasized this past Sunday was the beginning of the Cornerstone Groups as a way for the church to function more efficiently. I’m sure you will find it an enhancement of similar efforts in the past. The deacons have spent many hours designing the total program and I believe you will immediately see its impact. If you missed the sermon Sunday morning, The Cornerstone and Other Stones, get a copy of it (or listen to it on our website) and you will have an understanding of how each of us can find our place for greater service.

Finally, remember that our gospel meeting is the first week of March. Glenn Colley will be the speaker in this Sunday through Wednesday night evangelistic outreach to the lost in this area. Obviously, we will have more to say later, but the week provides a way for so many to be actively involved in letting others know about the cross.

Great things are happening at PBL and there is no better time for you to become even more active. Let God use you. It will make an eternal difference!