Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Pardon me just a second…your absence is speaking.”

The old adage says, “Actions speak louder than words.”  A more recent rendition of that says, “Your actions speak so loud that I can’t hear a word you’re saying.”  We usually think about this in relationship to things that we DO—actions in which we actually engage and are seen by others when we are engaging.  But, what about our “inactivity”?  While our actions may speak for us, sometimes our in-action may speak louder.  Think about this example.

When you are in attendance at Sunday Bible class and morning worship and Sunday evening worship, what does your attendance say to others?  Whatever specific message is received, it is definitely a positive one.  But, what about when you are absent?  For instance, when you are present for Sunday morning worship and then you are absent for Sunday evening worship, what does your absence say to others?  Whatever specific message is received, it is definitely not a positive one!  Please spend some time thinking about this and praying about this.  I know what you might say in person about it, but your absence is speaking for itself.