Let's Go Back to the Bible

Mission Sundays in the 1st Century and the 21st Century

The church at Corinth had planned for a year to give a special contribution to the poor saints at Jerusalem. Paul talks about this in 2 Corinthians chapters eight and nine. When they first heard about the need, they committed themselves to help, and a year later Paul reminded them of this. They began gathering the special funds. There are many similarities between the events at Corinth and our special contribution for Mission Sunday in just a few days. Consider the motivation Paul gives for them and for us to give as opportunities come our way.

Christians give because others have given so sacrificially. Paul used the Macedonians who gave out of “deep poverty” as an example to give (2 Cor. 8:1-3). So much of our success on Mission Sunday is because of the generosity of those who are on fixed or limited income. As you plan your gift, think about how much our widows will give.

Christians give because it manifests the sincerity of our love (2 Cor. 8:8). Our missionaries come and we thank them for all they are doing. We tell them we are behind them. I believe these words come from sincere hearts. We also pray that God will help us reach the lost. I believe these prayers come from sincere hearts. Mission Sunday is the day we manifest the sincerity of our words and prayers. We have told Chris, Josh, Troy, Douglas, Robert and our other missionaries we love them. Sunday is the day to confirm these words.

Christians give because Christ gave so much for us (2 Cor. 8:9). How can we ever repay the Lord who left the treasures of heaven so that we by Him might be rich? The answer lies in duplicating what He has done. Out of our treasures of truth and His grace we give so others can be rich!

Christians give because every gift from a willing heart is accepted (2 Cor. 8:12). It is accepted by God! He already owns all the gold and silver, but we take what is already His and give it to Him, and He accepts it! The key to this is the fact the gift comes from a willing heart. One other thought. A morsel of food means so much to a starving man, and a single truth means even more to a lost soul seeking God.

Christians give because we cannot out give God. He has promised to give back to us more than we give to Him. Read 2 Corinthians 8:6-11 and see His promise to us! The world is lost; God longs for the world to hear the gospel; God will always bless those who are doing His work.

Remember to pray daily for Mission Sunday!