Let's Go Back to the Bible

If Jesus Was in This Church, What Would He Be Doing?

It is truly humbling and remarkable to be aware of so many church members who do things and perform tasks for which they receive little-to-no gratitude, which is usually because other folks have little-to-no knowledge of what they have done.  There is absolutely no way to be exhaustive with something like this, but take a few minutes and see what you can add to this.

Whenever we have a fellowship meal together, there are always those who set up, serve, clean up, wash dishes, wipe tables, take out trash, etc.  Some do it because they have been asked; others pitch in because they see a need and fill it.

There are others who change light bulbs, wash baptismal towels, bake communion bread, prepare and clean communion trays, maintain the irrigation, hang banners, chase roof leaks, grade Correspondence Courses, label Bible tracts, mail out church bulletins, assist with House to House/Heart to Heart, prepare teaching materials for Bible classes, paint Bible scenes for children’s classes, pick up random pieces of trash on the bathroom floor, take widows shopping, visit shut-ins, send birthday cards, reach out to visitors, assist at the nursing home, encourage youth, use their professional skills to help fellow members and the church, etc.

Again, there is obviously no way to list every “little” thing and every “big” thing that members are doing (for many things are just not known).  These are mentioned just to give a flavor of the kinds of meaningful, yet often thankless tasks fellow Christians are doing for the good of the Lord’s church.

Being a servant is not a glamorous position.  There are not many folks who eagerly long to “get down and dirty” and do the menial tasks that no one else wants to do and which will not be noticed or thanked.  But, wait a minute!  Isn’t that what Jesus did?  When Jesus “took a towel and girded Himself” (John 13:4), wasn’t He eagerly longing to get down and be a servant?  When Jesus “began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel” (13:5), wasn’t He eagerly longing to get down and be a servant?

We might think that “being a servant is not a glamorous position,” but how is your picture of a servant impacted when you see Jesus down on His knees and doing the menial task that no one else wanted to do?  The heart of Jesus, unlike the selfish mindset of most persons, was NOT “to be served”!  His heart was set “to serve” (Matt. 20:28)!

To those servants at Palm Beach Lakes who humbly perform the less-than-glamorous tasks, thank you for being like Jesus!  Thank you for who you are and what you do!