Let's Go Back to the Bible

A high premium on truth

In the midst of a heated national and local election season, there’s seems to be a high premium on truth these days. Why is it so hard for some politicians to tell the truth? But, it’s not just in politics. Deceptive tactics are at the heart of many advertising efforts for various products. Deception is as common in many industries and workplaces as are pens, paper clips and sticky notes.  Companies are willing to mislead if it will help their “bottom line.”

Oh, for some straightforward truth! For some “tell it like it is” honesty! I’m not talking about being ugly, rude or offensive. I’m talking about “speaking the truth.” Somehow even some Christians think it is better, especially in “some situations,” to tell an “un-truth” or a “half-truth” or let someone believe a “falsehood,” than it is to be honest and forthright in all we say and do.

God says, “Put away…all deceit” (1 Pet. 2:1). God says, “Do not lie” (Col. 3:19). God says, “Speak truth” (Eph. 4:25). God says, “Buy the truth, and do not sell it” (Prov. 23:23).