Let's Go Back to the Bible

Are You Ready?

Peter’s inspired words in 1 Peter 3:15 are not optional for us today.  They are not instructions reserved only for those who are able or those who are good at that kind of thing.  These words come as an imperative from our Father:  “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.”

Are you ready?  Are you ready to give a defense for the gospel?  Are you ready to give answers to those who ask you about your hope and your faith in God?  This is not something you can shelve and wait for a more convenient season or just rely on other Christians to answer for you.  This is a command from God Himself to each of us!

Are you ready to give a defense regarding your faith in Jesus? Is He the Son of God?  Did He really come to earth from heaven?  Did He really perform miracles?  Did He really die and then come back to life after three days, as He had predicted?  Are you ready to answer?

Are you ready to give a defense regarding God’s plan of salvation? Does it really matter how a person lives?  Is God’s salvation conditional or unconditional?  What part, if any, does baptism have in God’s plan to save mankind?  Once someone obtains salvation from God, is anything else required?  Are you ready to answer?

Are you ready to give a defense regarding the Lord’s church? Isn’t one church just as good as another?  Does it really matter if somebody is in the right church, as long as they’re serving God?  Did God give a pattern for the church or was it just some general principles with flexibility for the needs of man through the centuries?  Where does the Bible say there’s only one church?  Are you ready to answer?

Are you ready to give a defense regarding New Testament worship? If someone is worshiping God, how can they do that unacceptably?  Why would God be picky about how man worships Him, as long as they worship Him?  Where does the Bible teach us how and when to worship?  Are you ready to answer?

If you want to be ready to give a defense, God tells us how right here in this verse—“sanctify the Lord God in your hearts.” Set the Lord apart as the God of your life and you will study more, learn more and be readied even more to answer.  Where is the Lord in your heart and in your life?