Let's Go Back to the Bible

A Spacecraft Seeking What We Already Know

While searching for near-Earth asteroids on September 11, 1999, a ground-based telescope discovered an asteroid that was later named Bennu.  After several years of researching this asteroid along with development of astounding space exploration technologies, a NASA spacecraft called OSIRIS-REx was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on an Atlas V 411 rocket on September 8, 2016.  After orbiting the sun for a year, it used Earth’s gravitational field on September 22, 2017 to change its trajectory to match Bennu’s trajectory and began its journey to rendezvous.  OSIRIS-REx arrived at Bennu on December 3, 2018 (two years after it was launched).  On October 20, 2020 (another two years later), OSIRIS-REx touched down very briefly on the surface of Bennu to collect samples of rocky material.  The spacecraft is scheduled to depart from Bennu in March 2021 and will return to Earth to drop off the samples, which will parachute to a landing site in the Utah desert on September 24, 2023.

The asteroid Bennu is approximately 510 meters in diameter (slightly more than the height of the Empire State Building).  It is orbiting the sun at 63,000 mph and is 200 million miles away from Earth.  The predetermined landing zone for the OSIRIS-REx was only 52 feet across.  So, why is NASA spending nearly $1 billion on this mission?  Here it is: “OSIRIS-REx seeks answers to the questions that are central to the human experience: Where did we come from? What is our destiny?”  Other sites suggest that the findings from OSIRIS-REx will “hold key information to unlocking how the solar system formed.”  They suggested that “Asteroids like Bennu, which possess organic, carbon-rich minerals, may have provided the building blocks for life to arise on Earth.”

Stop for a moment and consider how ignorant and illogical their purpose is.  They researched the speed, trajectory and orbit of this asteroid for years.  They designed a spacecraft that could travel the precise speed and direction for over two years in order to rendezvous in exactly the right place.  They were able to calculate precisely where the asteroid would be years in advance of it actually being there, and they know exactly how long it will take for the spacecraft to return.  HOW?  HOW could they calculate all of this with such exactitude?  They could only do so (and be confident in their computations) because THERE IS PRECISE DESIGN IN OUR UNIVERSE!  IF our universe was the result of a “Big Bang,” the chaos of an explosion would NEVER create such order!

Here they are…trying (they say) to learn more about the origin of life on Earth…when the answer for such is right there in front of them in the precision of their calculations.  Only a designed universe could exhibit such design!