You control your perspective! Do you believe that? So often “bad things” happen in our lives and we think the worst, we fear the worst and we look for someone or something to blame. But, you control your perspective! Every single time!
Recently, I was on the phone with one of our “older” members (you decide what you think that word “older” means). This older member was NOT complaining (not by any stretch), but he/she was filling me on all the latest things happening in his/her life (problems with every part of the house, troubles with family, several personal health issues, etc.). Then, after 18 minutes and 30 seconds of life’s trials, he/she said (with much passion and sincerity), “I am blessed!”
What? “Blessed”? None of that sounds like “Blessed”! But, what I’ve learned from this “older” member (and others) is that it’s all in your perspective, and you control your perspective! Let the older teach the younger (Tit. 2:1-5)? Yes! If you will take the time to look, you will see that, no matter what is happening, you are “blessed,” too (Eph. 1:3; John 10:10)!