Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by Robert Lupo (Page 5)

Who Can You Trust?

When Covid-19 struck, we all became willing to take whatever precautions we could to prevent contracting and spreading the virus to our friends and families. Immediately, people began buying sanitary masks in bulk. Soon, the CDC told us to stop buying them. The masks cannot prevent you from getting the virus. They said, “trust the science!” A few weeks later, the CDC…

Some Conditions May Apply

When I was a child, cereal boxes were a lot cooler. Sometimes, they would have a toy inside. Other times, they would have a sweepstakes. It might say, “Send in 10 proofs of purchase and you will be entered to win a free video game console!” And right next to that was some tiny print saying, “Some conditions may apply.” There was…

The Pressure of Social Media

When I was growing up, I was constantly reminded by my parents, my teachers and my church leaders to resist peer pressure. I was told, “Evil company corrupts good morals” (1 Cor. 15:33). This was certainly good advice. Our peers can hold a tremendous amount of power over a young person. They want to be liked and feel like they belong. So,…

Waiting for the Old Ways to Die

In many organizations, great value is placed in new ideas. A company that once was stagnant may find revitalization from the perspective of a young, visionary mind. However, recently we have seen with companies, that when “fresh, new ideas” lead a company from its original mission, it can be detrimental. Sometimes we bring this mentality into the church. We say things like, “I…

The Significance of the Name “Christian”

The Book of Acts records that the followers of Jesus Christ were “first called Christians in Antioch” (Acts 11:26). Why was this moment so important to include in the Scriptures? Is the name really all that significant? The Lord’s church was founded in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). Peter gave the first sermon of Christ’s New Testament and over…

God Is Worthy of All Praise

Every first day of the week, members of the Lord’s church assemble to worship their heavenly Father according to the Scriptures (Acts 20:6-7; 1 Cor 11:18-32; 1 Cor 16:1-2). Many people, however, feel that going to church is not for them. They say that they don’t need to go anywhere to worship God. They can worship God anywhere in their daily living.…

Danger Looms!

I looked at my newsfeed and saw a shocking headline. “Asteroid danger looms! 170-foot space rock heading for Earth today.” Immediately I wondered, “Why I am just now hearing about this? Shouldn’t we have a little bit more of a heads-up before we are obliterated by space debris? Something isn’t adding up.” Upon opening the article, I breathe a sigh of relief.…