Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by Robert Lupo

How Are You Doing?

How are you doing? I mean, how are you really doing? Is everything really “ok” or are you just trying to be polite? No one wants to be a bother. Each of us has their own problems to worry about, so we will go to great lengths to avoid burdening others with ours. First, we need to understand that our brethren are…

The Great Commission and Acts 2

Before Jesus ascended to the Father, He left the apostles with the Great Commission, recorded in Matthew 28:18-20. The Great Commission summarizes the mission of the apostles and of Christians everywhere. On the Day of Pentecost, the apostles fulfilled the Great Commission in Peter’s first sermon. We can look to Acts 2 and see how each part of Christ’s mission statement for…

Is the Suffering Servant Israel?

Isaiah 53 is probably the most famous Messianic passage of all Scripture. In this chapter, we learn of the Suffering Servant. The prophet tells us that this servant would be “despised,” “rejected,” “a Man of sorrows,” “smitten by God,” “wounded for our transgressions,” “bruised for our iniquities,” and heal us “by His stripes.” If you are in any way familiar with the…

They Might Think You’re Crazy

One of the greatest moments in worship to our God is when the gospel call for salvation convicts a soul to come forward and confess their faith in Jesus Christ. We see the look of joy in Christ mixed with the guilt of sin in their eyes as they profess, “Yes. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God.” Based on…

Hell Together Is No Better

Music is a powerful form of communication. By combining the right melody with the right harmonies and rhythm, a simple poem can be transformed into an unforgettable expression of deep emotional thought. It is no wonder then why God asks us to sing songs to Him in worship. Songs have become one of the primary ways messages are conveyed in today’s culture.…

God Sees You…As He Made You

For the last several years, the President of the United States has made proclamations observing the “Transgender Day of Visibility” on March 31. This has largely gone unnoticed by many until this year when it fell on Easter. Given that Easter is a long-standing tradition for believers in Christ to recognize the miracle the Resurrection, this caused many to criticize the White…

Who Is Good?

Are you a good person? Many people would quickly answer, “Of course! I do lots of good.” But, by what standard could someone say if they are? For Christians, the standard is God. Jesus proclaimed in Luke 18:19, “No one is good but One, that is, God.” If God is the standard, then I don’t even come close. Since we have God…

Heart Checkup

“It’s time for your annual checkup!” This sentence may cause a sudden sense of dread in many of us. But as much as we might hate going to the doctor, visiting once a year can help you stay healthy and uncover potential health risks. One of the things the doctor will do is get out his stethoscope, listen to the rhythm of…