Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by David Sproule (Page 258)

Got a little strength?

Sometimes we think we’ve got to have a spiritual strength that matches the physical strength of a Samson.  While such would be wonderful and while we must give ourselves diligently to the growth of our faith (cf. 2 Pet. 1:5-8), not all of us can have the spiritual stamina and strength of some of the heroes of faith of whom we read…

What if you could eat all you want?

Many of us try to “watch what we eat” (at least from the plate onto the fork and into our mouths).  Watching what you eat usually involves some kind of diet that limits your calorie intake, limits your portions, etc.  And, nobody likes to limit themselves when it comes to food.  That’s no fun! So, what if you could eat all you…

What does it mean to have faith in Jesus?

Lots of different ideas exist today as to what faith in Jesus means.  Could it possibly mean, as some assert, to merely put mental assent to the deity of Jesus?  Mental assent is simply agreeing intellectually in your head that the evidence presented is historically and factually accurate.  Mental assent can lead to faith but it certainly is not faith.  Faith is…

In This Case, It Is All About “U”!

On the roads of America, U-turns are a common driving maneuver.  Likewise, in the Christian life, U-turns are a common (and necessary) maneuver.  Before making a spiritual application (which will be obvious, no doubt, to all experienced U-turners), let’s consider some of the basic principles essential for making successful U-turns. 1. You must first realize that you’re headed in the wrong direction.…

What is a life worth?

The average cost of raising a child today, from birth to age 17, is estimated to be around $250,000.  The average cost of an abortion is $400-$500.  How much is a life worth to you? While it’s hard to estimate, the average cost of long-term health care for one in advanced age can be $50,000 annually or more.  The average cost of…

Ah, very perceptive!

The chief priests and Pharisees were constantly seeking to oppose and thwart the efforts of Jesus.  In Matthew 21:23, they came and “confronted Him as He was teaching,” to question Him about His authority.  Yet, they were not honest or courageous enough themselves to answer the simple question that Jesus asked in response.  To deal with them, Jesus told two parables (The…

It’s Not My Territory!

Using the phrase, “It was a perfect storm,” is almost cliché now.  Yet, such seems an appropriate description to these circumstances. While Traci was driving to a school activity one evening last week, the left front tire on the car shredded and came off.  She was driving on the interstate in Northern Palm Beach County…at 5:20 p.m. in rush hour traffic…through a…

Little old YOU!

There are at this time an estimated 6.89 billion people on this planet.  You are only one of them.  It is estimated that between 15-20 billion people have ever lived on this planet.  You are only one of them.  The earth itself is about 1,097,509,500,000,000,000,000 cubic meters.  The average human, that’s you, is only one of those cubic meters. Makes you feel…