Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by Dan Jenkins (Page 96)

He Has No Other Plan

Mission Sunday is this Sunday and it provides a remarkable way for us to prove to God how much we love Him and to show ourselves how much we share in heaven’s goal to get the gospel to every creature. Before this world began it was part of God’s plan to save the lost through preaching. Paul said, “It pleased God through…

He Never Returned to Help

The reports from Haiti are so moving and touch the hearts of those who have compassion. It is impossible for us to fully understand the depths of despair the Haitians are enduring. We eat until we are full and sleep soundly in our houses, while there are those still buried in the rubble of that land who are crying out for help.…

Church Attendance in Palm Beach County

The latest information from the Barna Group reveals some amazing facts about the faith and religious practices in various areas of America.  We are not surprised that the most religious cities where individuals claim to be Christians are in the southern states (Shreveport—98%; Birmingham—96%; Nashville—95%).  At the other extreme are San Francisco—68% and Portland, Oregon—71%.  Of interest to those of us in…

Six Reasons Elders Should Shepherd

Every now and then when I finish reading an outstanding bulletin article, my response is, “I don’t believe it could be said any better.”  When I read the following article from the pen of Adam Faughn I immediately knew it would profit everyone. The greatest work of an elder (and the entire eldership) is that of shepherding the flock of God.  Over…