Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by Dan Jenkins (Page 98)

“I Did Not Get My Bulletin!”

The title of this article may not mean much to those who receive this bulletin by email, but it probably does to the hundreds who receive it via “snail-mail.” Two weeks ago we had a computer/printer crisis in the office and have been unable to print and mail the bulletin. We apologize to those who missed the bulletin for the past two…

Same Sex Marriages Approved in Every State

It seems like every week there is another effort by those who are seeking to legitimize the practice of homosexuality in America. While 30 states have a constitutional amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage, there is an ongoing effort to create a nation approving this practice. At least six states now recognize these “marriages” and efforts continue in most other states to change existing…

Where’s the Ladder?

Nothing was going right in his life. He had lied to his father, stolen from his brother and now that brother had made plans to kill him. He had left the security of the home where he had been raised and was headed to a foreign land, hoping to find a wife there. As night approached he decided to sleep out in…

Making It Personal

One of the problems every Christian faces is to read the Bible and then feel a sense of personal obligation to take those words and make them part of life. It’s the same problem faced by a school teacher who tells her students, “Some time today we need to make sure that we clean this room and get all the scraps of…

One Nation Out From Under God

This week is the 56th anniversary establishing the wording of the Pledge of Allegiance to contain the phrase “one nation under God.” This reference to God has been challenged repeatedly in the court system but twice has been upheld by the Supreme Court as reflecting the view of the founders of this great nation. From the very beginning our forefathers saw that…

A Sermon Everyone Should Hear

This past Sunday I was able to hear the most outstanding sermon I ever hope to hear on one of the most difficult topics which can be addressed. The world has rejected purity, godliness and holiness. Because of the world’s influence many Christians have lost sight of how clearly God has revealed His will regarding sexual immorality, lasciviousness, lust, dancing, inappropriate touching,…