Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by Dan Jenkins (Page 95)

He Loves Us—Individually

As I reflect about our worship together this past Sunday, I cannot forget when we paraphrased John 3:16 and quoted it together. “For God so loved me that He gave His only begotten Son . . .” Think about this and rejoice that He loves each of us, individually,  so much that He would have given His Son even if we were…

Golf, Adultery and Buddhism

I am confident that everyone is aware of the revelation of the adulterous life of one of America’s best known golfers. We probably should not be overly surprised about his sin, for this is just a continuation of the wave of immorality sweeping our land. Our governors, senators, representatives and presidents have lost their way, and it seems there is a daily…

One Soul at a Time

I cannot vouch for this story, but it has been around for a long time. It seemed no one could believe what had happened, so they began to find out the details. They asked the pigmy, “How did you eat an entire elephant?” His answer startled many, but there is so much truth in it. He said, “One bite at a time.”…

“As His Custom Was . . .”

The simple definition of a habit is “an action which is repeated often until it is the natural behavior in one’s life.” There are those habits which are good, those which are neutral and those which hinder us in our development. Think of the power of habitually doing that which is right, almost without thinking, because we have trained ourselves to always…