Let's Go Back to the Bible

One Soul at a Time

I cannot vouch for this story, but it has been around for a long time. It seemed no one could believe what had happened, so they began to find out the details. They asked the pigmy, “How did you eat an entire elephant?” His answer startled many, but there is so much truth in it. He said, “One bite at a time.”

What a concept about how to finish a list of tasks which seems endless. Some just sit and moan about how much they have to do and never get started. Others start, but their heart is not in it and they soon leave the list to do easier tasks. When the task seems insurmountable, how do you respond?

How did those apostles respond when Jesus told them He wanted them to tell every person in the world about His life? Talk about insurmountable! How could twelve men, many of them fishermen, ever hope to accomplish this? I’m not sure where their minds were, but I am sure how they got the message to “every creature under heaven” (Col. 1:23). They started where they were and, somewhat like the pigmy, did it by teaching one person at a time.

They simply did what Jesus told them—begin at Jerusalem, then go to Samaria and then to the uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 1:8).

I pray that every member of the church can hear the words of Jesus and sense the longing from heaven about telling others of the cross. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could take the gospel in our generation to every person on every continent in every country, city, town and village! Does the task seem impossible? No more than that which confronted the apostles! The way to do this is to follow their pattern. Begin where we are and teach one person at a time.

What a marvelous opportunity lies before us to do this very thing. Right now, think of one person around you whom you would love to be with for all eternity. Begin fervently praying for that person. Ask God to help you find a way to talk with him/her about the Lord.

Now add to the above an invitation to attend the gospel meeting with you. Not just a casual invitation, but telling them how much joy it would give to you when you bring them to worship. Don’t overlook the additional advantage of including eating with them at the building.

How do we reach the lost in this county, this state, this nation? It’s very simply. One soul at a time. The concept of “each one bring one” will ensure we have the best attended gospel meeting beginning on March 7. Think of one person; pray for one person; bring that one person. It’s very simple!