Let's Go Back to the Bible

Day 27: Read Matthew 27. The Suffering and Death of Jesus, My King


1. What would cause a people to become so recklessly blind to reality that they would demand the release of a murderer into their midst rather than Jesus?

2. While the startling events of nature that accompanied and followed the death of Jesus should have captured everyone’s attention, why do you think only the centurion noticed?

3. How do the facts of a hewn-out rock tomb, a large stone, a governor’s seal and a military guard add ironclad evidence to the actual resurrection of Jesus?

4. What can I draw from this chapter to help me grow closer to Jesus, my King?


Answering the questions from this chapter is GOOD.

Applying the message of this chapter is BETTER.

Today’s purpose: Read. Reflect. Reconnect with Jesus.


One more thing: Pray about this today!