Let's Go Back to the Bible

Day 26: Read Matthew 26. The Closing Hours of the Life of Jesus, My King


1. While Jesus could have left the memorializing of His death up to His disciples, why do you think it was so critical for Him to specify the details of the Lord’s Supper?

2. What insights do we receive into the heart of Jesus as Matthew describes for us how Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane?

3. How could Jesus possibly endure being betrayed by a friend, denied by a friend, abandoned by friends, put on trial, lied about, mocked, blasphemed, spit upon, beaten and slapped?

4. What can I draw from this chapter to help me grow closer to Jesus, my King?


Answering the questions from this chapter is GOOD.

Applying the message of this chapter is BETTER.

Today’s purpose: Read. Reflect. Reconnect with Jesus.


One more thing: Pray about this today!