The apostle Paul had been arrested, imprisoned and confined without cause for well over two years because he preached “the resurrection of the dead” (Act 23:6; 24:21; 28:20). When he finally stood on trial before King Agrippa, Paul asked the question to the king and the multitude that was gathered, “Why should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead?” (Acts 26:8). Think about that question.
If God is truly God, what is there that is “impossible” (Mark 10:27) for Him? What is there that He is not “able to do” (Eph. 3:20)? As the Almighty God “who made the world and everything in it” (Acts 17:24) and “who made you and formed you from the womb” (Isa. 44:2), why should it be thought incredible that God raises the dead or does any other mighty work?
Child of God, do not limit your God! Do not make Him fit your expectations! Do not demote Him or doubt His might! Why should it be incredible to you that He can make a difference in your life?