Let's Go Back to the Bible

Why should I sing?

Eleven of the 150 psalms begin with these three words, “Praise the LORD!” (including the last five psalms, 146-150).  The word “praise” is found over 150 times in the book.  Oftentimes, the word “praise” and the word “sing” are used synonymously (cf. Psa. 7:17; 57:9; 104:33; 135:3; 146:2).  Study Psalm 147:1 and you’ll find three reasons why we should sing praise to our God.

“For it is good.” Singing praise is good in and of itself, for it is a fulfillment of the command we have been given.  But, it is also good for us, for it helps us to truly focus on our Creator.

“For it is pleasant.” Praising God in song should bring our hearts joy and satisfaction.  Singing is its own reward.  Praising God is enjoyable, no matter if the song is slow or fast, new or old.

“For it…is beautiful.” Other translations say it is “becoming” or “fitting.”  We are God’s creatures and, more specifically, God’s people!  How beautiful it is when God’s children honor and glorify Him in song!  Holy worship is, after all, beautiful (Psa. 96:9)!