Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Where is your faith?”

There have always been challenges that have faced God’s people. This latest round of trials over the last year is nothing new for our Lord (cf. Ecc. 1:9). One question that we must ask ourselves is, “Where is our faith?”

This is the same question that Jesus asked His disciples in Luke 8:25, when they were being tossed and drenched by the great windstorm on the Sea of Galilee and came to Jesus under great distress. He took care of the storm and then said, “Where is your faith?”

Friends, in what have we placed our faith? Is it possible (just thinking here) that we have put our faith in our government, in a particular political party, in a particular presidential leadership, in a particular infectious disease expert, in a particular medical treatment, in a particular news outlet, in a particular social movement, etc., etc.? When Jesus asked the question, the purpose was to get His disciples to REFOCUS their faith exclusively IN HIM. Where is our faith?