Let's Go Back to the Bible

Where could I go but to the Lord?

James B. Coats wrote a hymn in 1940 that expresses the heart of every faithful Christian. Here we are, “Living below in this old sinful world,” and “striving alone to face temptations sore.” And, while “life here is grand with friends I love so dear,” it is not an easy life. So, as a Christian, whether I am facing life’s difficulties, Satan’s temptations or “the chilling hand of death,” honestly, “where could I go but to the Lord?”

Some folks, even Christians, turn to alcohol when the going gets tough. Others seek out some narcotic. Still others attempt to lose themselves in immoral behavior. Any solace that any of these can provide is at best temporary and in most cases harmful.

Where could I go? Oh, lots of places! But, when a child of God knows and loves His Father, and when he recalls the love and care the Father has for him, where could a child of God go? There’s no better place than to the Lord – in prayer and in reading. This alone can bring true, lasting comfort (2 Cor. 1:3-7).