Let's Go Back to the Bible

When your temptation starts calling

If a snake came and talked to you and offered you a piece of food that your Physician had forbidden you to eat, would you give in? Sometimes we are quick to judge. First, we may think, “Who in the world would pay attention to a talking snake?” (Yet, we have another man in the Bible arguing with a talking donkey.) Second, we may think, “Staying away from that one food would be so easy, when there are so many others to eat.” (Yet, staying away from temptation is often very difficult, even when it may seem obvious to others.)

Paul tells us that Satan “transforms himself into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). In his “craftiness” (11:3), he can make a lie sound like a truth (Gen. 3:4). He can make a stone look like a good meal (Matt. 4:3). Others may look at your temptations and think, “That’s silly.” But a temptation is a temptation to the person to whom it is tempting.

Our job is to not be “ignorant of his devices,” so that he cannot “take advantage of us” (2 Cor. 2:11). Then, we need to “resist” him and “draw near to God” (Jas. 4:7-8).