Let's Go Back to the Bible

If you don’t know or check it, you’ll believe it

I may have misheard this. The morning traffic report on the radio said that there was an accident on the Beeline Highway at Lake Worth Road. Some people would completely disregard because they’re not on the road that day. Others would believe the report, as it is coming from a professional who knows what he’s talking about—why question him? Still others would realize that those two roads are nowhere near each other, so the reporter was wrong.

Hearing this report on the radio made me think of how some folks handle Biblical teaching that they hear. Some folks completely disregard it, as they are not interested. Other folks believe what a preacher or “knowledgeable Bible student” says, as it is coming from someone who “knows what they’re talking about.” Still others listen carefully and critically to what is said and then check “the road map” (i.e., the Bible) to see if what is being said is “actually so.”

Which hearer are you? I may have misheard the radio report. Do you ever check what you hear?