Let's Go Back to the Bible

What kind of friend are you?

Sometimes in friendships, there is “the giver” and “the taker.” “The giver” is the one who goes out of her way to check on her friend, to be there when times are tough, to be available at a moment’s notice, to lend a listening and sympathetic ear, to help whenever and whatever the need might be, etc. “The taker,” on the other hand, is the one who is “always” taking advantage and asking for help, expecting a willing hand, venting personal grievances, focusing on inequities, complaining about the slightest slights, keeping a ledger of who has done more in the friendship, controlling most of the interaction that takes place in the friendship, etc.2019-12-16-What-kind-of-friend-are-you

So, what kind of friend are you? Jesus was a friend who cared (Matt. 9:36). Jesus was a friend who listened (Mark 5:33-36). Jesus was a friend who served His friends without being asked (John 13:1-17). Jesus was a friend who graciously handled interruptions (Mark 1:35-37) and disappointments in His friends (Luke 9:38-41). As a friend, Jesus was a “giver.” Are you?