Let's Go Back to the Bible

What flavor do your words have?

We are all familiar with the concept of grace. Often defined as “unmerited favor,” when one is on the receiving end of grace, he receives favor (or a gift) which he does not deserve and has done nothing to earn. In our relationship with God, EVERYTHING that He gives to us is grace, for how could we ever deserve or earn anything with which He so richly blesses us?

What about our relationship with our fellowman? Where does grace fit in, and how should it fit in? Consider just one area, which may not immediately come to mind. Our Father instructs us, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers…Let your speech always be with grace” (Eph. 4:29; Col. 4:6).

The words that we speak should (by definition) gift to others a blessing or treatment better than they deserve or have earned. Does your speech impart grace to hearers? Are your words always with grace? It takes effort, but isn’t that what we want from others (cf. Matt. 7:12)?