Let's Go Back to the Bible

The friendliest friend

Jesus used the word “friend” three times in three consecutive verses in John 15.  Look how Jesus described the perfect (the friendliest) friend in John 15:13-15.  First, the friendly friend exercises agape love.  Agape love is an unconditional, unselfish love for another.  And, yes, it is a love that is exercised, not just felt.  Second, the friendly friend makes sacrifices.  This is a natural expression of agape love—giving up self for the good of others.  Third, the friendly friend makes known all things that the Father teaches.  When a friendly friend has the bread of life and his friends are starving, he is quick to break bread with them.  Are you a friendly friend?

The incredible thought in this passage is that Jesus refers to us as His friends and that we have the opportunity to be His friend.  Jesus simply set forth, “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.”

Is Jesus your friend?  Are you His friend?  What a friend we have in Jesus!