Let's Go Back to the Bible

The day doesn’t matter, the decision does

It’s that time of year when folks make resolutions to begin on the first day of January. Statistics indicate that more than 80% of those resolutions don’t stick. (That number is actually lower than I expected.) The reason they don’t last is because they are attached to an arbitrary date and not a true decision and commitment to change. Think about that in relationship to Christianity.

Some people delay their baptism until a certain “day” when it’s more convenient or family members are in town or when “things aren’t so crazy.” In such an instance, the commitment is lacking. Some Christians will delay reading through their Bible or creating a prayer list until January 1st. Again, why the delay? If there is a decision and a commitment to improve our Christian walk, why delay until an arbitrary day, when it may not even stick then? What changes do you need to make as a Christian? Why not make this day “the day” that you do that? It’s the decision and commitment that matter! You can do that this day!