Let's Go Back to the Bible

Paul’s Prayer Is Mine

As you read the New Testament take time to notice how often Paul tells others he is praying for them. He not only prayed for them, but asked that they pray for him (1 Thess. 5:25). It is often in prayer that we see the soul of the one who is praying. This is so obvious in Paul’s prayer for the church at Colosse.    

Read Colossians 1:9-11 and note the nine things he was praying would happen in the lives of those great Christians. He prayed that they might:

(1)   Be filled with the knowledge of His will
(2)   Have wisdom
(3)   Have understanding
(4)   Walk worthy of the Lord
(5)   Be pleasing to the Lord
(6)   Be fruitful in every good work
(7)   Be increasing in the knowledge of God
(8)   Be strengthened by His glorious power
(9)   Have patience, longsuffering, and joy

Read the list again and visualize what would happen when this prayer was answered!

As we enter this new year together, I want you to know that this is my prayer for you. My life has truly been blessed by the thirty-nine years we have labored together and believe the best days lie ahead of us. Success will not come without effort, but I think I know your hearts. May God help us to accomplish great things for His glory.

Paul’s prayer is my prayer. With hearts that are filled with knowledge that is always increasing, may we have wisdom and understanding as to how to apply this in our lives. May we together walk worthy of the sacrifices He made for us and please Him. May we be fruitful because God is working in our midst and strengthening us by His power. May we be steadfast, unwavering in devotion, and willing to suffer because of the joy set before us.

Will you take time today to reflect on your life and see what changes can be made to ensure that Paul’s words become a reality? Will you honestly look at where you are and plan the steps which must be taken to arrive at greater spiritual heights? Will you dream with me of the great things that God can do with us and through us in this church? Will you set aside time and pray for this church? Pray for me. Pray for the future and pray that He might work in us even more. I believe in prayer. As I pray for you, will you pray for me?