Let's Go Back to the Bible

Take it for what it says

The Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God! The evidence that points to this conclusion is solid and abundant–its unity, its factual accuracy, its scientific foreknowledge, its predictive prophecy and fulfillment. It has been given and preserved by the God of heaven Himself!

Therefore, as finite creatures, how can we do anything else than just take it for what it says! When the Bible tells us how He created the world, we need to take it for what it says! When the Bible tells us how He made the woman for the man, we need to take it for what it says! When the Bible tells us how life begins at conception in the womb, we need to take it for what it says! When the Bible tells us how Jesus established only one church on this earth, we need to take it for what it says! When the Bible tells us how only those who obey His Word, without addition or subtraction, will go to heaven, we need to take it for what it says!

If I do not take the Bible for what it says, what does that say about me? About God?