Let's Go Back to the Bible

Staying positive

Have you had enough? Are you “about up to here” with all that is going on? Would you say that your discouragement level has reached new highs in recent days? What can you do?

Staying positive is a hard thing to do…even for a Christian. Some non-Christians look at Christians and expect perfect peace and sunniness all the time, but such is not always the case. However, here is the truth—Christians have more to be positive about than anyone else!

It’s all a matter of perspective. Perspective involves what you choose to look at and how you choose to regard it. So, what if you chose to look at the “positives” of being a child of God more than you look at the “negatives” of being a citizen of earth? (Make a list.) What if you intentionally “turned off the inputs” of constant bad news and “turned on the outputs” of finding ways to do good to others? (Make a list.) What if you decided to say, “Thank you, Lord,” every time you look at a clock during the day? We have much for which to be and stay positive!