Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Skip to the end!”

One of the most memorable scenes in cinema is the wedding of Prince Humperdinck and Buttercup in “The Princess Bride.” “Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeva today!” As chaos and a battle begin to ensue outside the palace during the ceremony, the Prince orders “The Impressive Clergyman” to “Skip to the end!” Hmm. Skip to the end.

Mawage (a.k.a. marriage) can be tough. There is a temptation to just “skip to the end” of it. But what “end” is in sight? May I suggest that every married couple decide that “the end” is going to be when both of you bwing each other togeva into heaven! Make up your minds that is going to “be the end” (cf. 1 Pet. 3:7). Then, when rough patches come in your marriage, when you think it might be time to get out of it, let your mind “skip to the end” and see the two of you walking into heaven together. With that “end” as your goal and purpose, you can be even more determined to make it through those rough patches together. That way, “wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva!”