Let's Go Back to the Bible

Remember who you are!

One of my favorite Disney movie scenes of all time is in the Lion King, when Simba was having a hard time acknowledging and accepting where he came from and who he was. A “strange baboon” named Rafiki befriended him and surprisingly knew  Simba’s identity — “You’re Mufasa’s boy!” During that scene, his father, Mufasa, appeared to him, encouraged him and pleaded with him, “Remember who you are!”

There are times as Christians that we sometimes have a hard time acknowledging where we have come from and who we are. Especially for our young people, sometimes, the society, schools, teachers, friends, teams, coaches, workplaces, etc. make it very challenging to stand up for Christ and to take a stand for righteousness. That’s when we need a true friend to come along and remind us of our identity — “You’re God’s son/daughter!”

Do you want to be a “somebody”? Do you want to be “truly accepted”? Then read God’s message to you in the New Testament and “Remember who you are!”