Let's Go Back to the Bible

Have A Miserable 40th Anniversary!

On January 22, 1973, the course of this nation was altered forever when the highest court in the land ruled it was constitutional (i.e., Roe v. Wade) to rip unborn babies from their mothers’ wombs, crush their bodies and throw them in the dumpster. (I’m certain that was not the exact wording in the court’s decision, but that was the result.)

As we reach the 40th anniversary of that monumental day, let us commemorate what that landmark decision has brought us. It naturalized the word “abortion” into our language as a generic euphemism for “murder.” It prompted the issue of massacring infants to shift from being a moral (or Christian) issue to a political issue. It desensitized a global population to the intrinsic value of human life. Worst of all, after forty years of living with (“living” is an interesting word) this atrocious ruling, the innocently precious bodies of an estimated 55 million unborn babies have been ripped (legally) from their mothers’ wombs, crushed and thrown into dumpsters.

Go ahead and celebrate America! Two more babies were slaughtered in the time you read this!