Let's Go Back to the Bible

“I used to feel guilty if I wasn’t there”

The words of an enlightened soul: “I grew up thinking that I needed to be at church three times a week for two Bible classes and two worship services. For years that just seemed normal and I felt guilty if I ever missed. Then, I started feeling confined and almost like I was being forced, against what I wanted, to be there at ever service (although no one was “forcing me”). Finally, finally, I came to realize that the silly tradition of being at church was just that – a tradition. I didn’t have to be there! What difference did it really make if I was or wasn’t! I feel so much freer now – my Wednesdays are less stressed…I sleep an extra hour on Sunday and show up most Sundays for the service in the morning…then the rest of my Sunday is mine to enjoy.”

As we enter a new year, take time to consider this question — what is really first in your life? Not, what is conveniently first? Not, what is usually first? Not, what is comfortably first? What is in reality first in your life? Two choices: is it you or is it Jesus? Those are the only two options, but they cannot both be “first” at the same time. If Jesus is truly first, what will you “think,” “feel,” “want” and “enjoy”? A new year can be a new start! Is He really first? — DS