In Psalm 103, David praises the Lord for all that He has done and calls upon the people of God to “forget not all His benefits” (103:2). While it would be quite impossible to list “all His benefits,” David begins to enumerate how God “forgives… heals… redeems… crowns… satisfies” (103:2-5). He explains how “the Lord executes righteousness…made known His ways…is merciful and gracious…has compassion on those who fear Him” (103:6-13).
When you think of “all His benefits,” it is easy to focus on what the Lord does and has done. But, what about what He has NOT done? A favorite part of this psalm is when David exclaims, “He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities” (103:10). When you are counting your blessings, don’t just list all the great things that God gives you. Count all of the things that you deserve as a sinner but God has withheld from you through His mercy, grace and compassion! Friends, let’s not forget ALL His benefits!